REYKJAVÍK.. The Saga Continues / 1000-1900
opened in May 2022BORGARSÖGUSAFN / Reykjavik City Museum
Exhibition design: Þórunn S Þorgrímsdóttir + Ingibjörg Jara Sigurðardóttir / VISIONIS
Dioramas by: Ingibjörg Jara Sigurðardóttir
Content author: Bryndís Sverrisdóttir
Lighting Designer: Páll Ragnarsson
Interior Architect: Hulda Aðalsteinsdóttir / Kreatíva
Graphic Designers: Ingi Kristján Sigurmarsson + Atli Hilmarsson
Model of modern Reykjavik: Þórarinn Blöndal
Film by: Ísold Uggadóttir
Video of mouse: Með lífið í lúkunum by Þorfinnur Guðnason
Project managment: Helga Maureen Gylfadóttir for Reykjavik City Museum
Dioramas made from own photographs and drawings by Mayers from the expediton of Gaimard.

︎ Magnus Andersen
︎ gif Ingibjörg Jara Sigurðardóttir
︎ gif Ingibjörg Jara Sigurðardóttir
Söguþráðurinn spannar um 1000 ár af sögu Reykjavíkur og hvernig Reykjavíkurjörðin, sem miðja af landnámi Ingólfs á Seltjarnarnesi hinu forna, skiptist upp í minni jarðir og bæi.
Fyrsta götumyndin verður til sem slóði sem liggur frá Reykjavíkurbænum og til sjávar -
um aldir - vex áfram um 1750 með nýbyggingum iðnvæðingarinnar - allt þar til hið eiginlega Aðalstræti verður aðalgata kaupstaðarins
Reykjavíkur frá 1786.
/ The exhibition covers around 1000 years of Reykjavík's history and how the land of Reykjavík, the center of Ingólfur's settlement in the ancient Seltjarnarnes, was divided into smaller lands and towns. The first street began as a path that for centuries lead from Reykjavík farm to the sea - with new buildings rising with the industrialization around 1750 - until the actual Aðalstræti in 1786 becomes the main street of the Reykjavik the town.
/ The exhibition covers around 1000 years of Reykjavík's history and how the land of Reykjavík, the center of Ingólfur's settlement in the ancient Seltjarnarnes, was divided into smaller lands and towns. The first street began as a path that for centuries lead from Reykjavík farm to the sea - with new buildings rising with the industrialization around 1750 - until the actual Aðalstræti in 1786 becomes the main street of the Reykjavik the town.